About Kol Rinah Sisterhood
Sisterhood does a lot for most areas of the synagogue, including: our Monica Lynne Neidorff Early Childhood Center, our KoREH religious school, and shul needs in general. We also sponsor/donate to local and national causes (such as Nishmah, Sisterhood Torah Fund, & Camp Ben Frankel) and occasional international causes (this year we donated to two organizations in Israel, one that helps Lone Soldiers and one that gives small amounts to people going through a specific hard time and just need a leg up. Our donations are only possible because of your generosity.
Sisterhood also has programs, like Supper-in-the-Sukkah, and supports/contributes to other Kol Rinah programs, like Mitzvah Day.
To join Sisterhood, renew your Sisterhood membership, or for questions, please contact Micki Kingsley through the Kol Rinah Office (314) 727-1747.
Tue, October 15 2024
13 Tishrei 5785
MISSION: Create a welcoming community that embraces Torah, meaningful worship, lifelong learning, music, Israel, and tikkun olam, guided by the tenets of Conservative Judaism.
Find it at Kol Rinah
Call the Office to Sponsor a Kiddush
Weekday Services
Minyans on Zoom:
Mornings- M, T, W, F 7am & Sun 8am.
Evenings- Sun-Th 6pm.
Log in to view the Zoom Links page.
Thursday mornings 7am are in-person only.
Office Hours
Tue, October 15 2024 13 Tishrei 5785