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This pdf contains the current listing of our Yahrzeit plaques and their locations on our walls. We will update the pdf periodically as needed.


Unsure where to go?
- Boxerman Memorial Alcove
MH - Shamir Memorial Hallway around the alcove
GC - Guller Chapel and Chapel Hallway
- Cannon/Field Third Floor Reception Area, near the elevator

Is one of your family plaques in the wrong place?

Our BS, SZ, BSKI, KI, and Kol Rinah plaques are now on the walls of Kol Rinah. We have combined family groups that may or may not have been together in our past buildings.

If you have a special request for names you would like to see moved or combined, please submit your requests (include name and current location, and location of your family grouping - columns are marked at the bottom) and we will accommodate those requests IF possible. All of our memorial plaques are being assigned new location numbers so that you will be able to locate them in our: Boxerman Memorial Alcove, Shamir Memorial Hallway, Guller Chapel, or Cannon/Field Third Floor Reception Area.

New memorial plaque requests are also available. 
Thank you


To Reserve or Purchase a Plaque or a Plaque Header

Kol Rinah continues our obligation to our members and their loved ones in perpetuating their family memorials.  Our memorial plaques are displayed on the walls in our Memorial Alcove, Memorial Hallway, Guller Chapel, and Third Floor reception area

We are offering new memorial plaques for $500. Contact the Kol Rinah office if you have questions or need assistance. Proceeds will be used in support of our project to display our memorial plaques

Header Plaque Sales
Note: Please check with Meir or the Rabbi if you have Hebrew names
Note: Please check with Meir or the Rabbi if you have Hebrew names
Note: Please check with Meir or the Rabbi if you have Hebrew names
Note: Please check with Meir or the Rabbi if you have Hebrew names
Note: Please check with Meir or the Rabbi if you have Hebrew names
Mon, December 2 2024 1 Kislev 5785