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This Shabbat @ Kol Rinah

Parshat: Beshalach, Enchanting Shabbat, 9:15am Learn to Read Hebrew, 10:15am Torah Talk
We reserve seating in the sanctuary for anyone who prefers to wear a mask and be around others wearing masks. If you are attending another event and need separate seating please call the office, 314-727-1747
Shabbat visitors, please register here or call the office, 314.727.1747, so that we can welcome you properly. 

Kabbalat Shabbat Services
6pm in-person at Kol Rinah in the Guller Chapel (no Zoom or streaming)
6pm • Kabbalat Shabbat in the Park
Join us in the park for a shortened Kabbalat Shabbat service with a BYO picnic dinner. Call the office 314.727.1747 for location. For more information, email
Scheduled: 2025: TBD

Shabbat/Holiday Morning Services
9:00am in-person (Streaming available)
9-10:10 a.m • Ma'avar ("Transition")
Celebrating the transition from one month to the next
Ma'avar is a service led by Will Soll that welcomes the coming month through text, discussion, meditation, prayer, song, and music. It will end in time for participants to join the main service for Torah reading or attend Torah Talk. 
Scheduled: 2025: 2/22, 3/29
9am • EnChanting Shabbat
Services with a Lay-Led Torah service
If you are a reader that can prepare for one full aliyah, please call the office 314.727.1747
Scheduled: 2025: 2/8, 3/29, 6/28, 8/9
10:45am • Tot Shabbat For Young Families
A 1-hour musical service for families with young kids, in the Guller Chapel.   For questions, email
Scheduled: 2025: 2/1, 2/22, 4/19, 5/3, 5/24, 6/7, 6/21
9:30am • Kol Chadash Musical Shabbat Service
Services with singing & instruments
Melodies and words of Torah create a deep and moving prayer experience.
Scheduled: 2025: 3/1, 4/5, 5/17, 8/16, 11/1, 12/13

Shabbat Afternoon Services
Times Vary • See Calendar
Mincha, Maariv, Study & Havdalah
Join us to Study Torah, conclude Shabbat and bring in the new week most third Saturday of the month.
Scheduled: 2025: 2/25, 5/17, 6/21, 7/19, 8/16, 9/20, 10/18, 11/15, 12/20

Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785