About our Chesed Committee
What is Kol Rinah’s Chesed Committee?
We are here to help. Below is a partial list of what we do.
We send a meal of condolence to members who have lost a close relative.
We offer to stay at a shiva house while the mourners are at the funeral.
We provide a meal for a member who has just come home from the hospital after illness.
We visit members in hospitals, nursing homes and in their own homes.
We help provide rides to members.
We offer baby gifts to newborns.
We provide reading glasses at shul for those who forget theirs.
We help arrange meals for members with a new baby.
We make calls to ensure a minyan at shiva houses and funerals.
If you’d like to be involved, please call Barbara Bianco. We’d love to have you join us!
Sat, February 8 2025
10 Shevat 5785
MISSION: Create a welcoming community that embraces Torah, meaningful worship, lifelong learning, music, Israel, and tikkun olam, guided by the tenets of Conservative Judaism.
Find it at Kol Rinah
Call the Office to Sponsor a Kiddush
Weekday Services
Minyans on Zoom:
Mornings- M, T, W, F 7am & Sun 8am.
Evenings- Sun-Th 6pm.
Log in to view the Zoom Links page.
Thursday mornings 7am are in-person only.
Office Hours
Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785
Kol Rinah: 7701 Maryland Avenue, Clayton, MO 63105
Office: 314-727-1747; office@kolrinahstl.org
Monica Lynne Neidorff Early Childhood Center: 314-727-2565; eccdirector@kolrinahstl.org
KoREH Religious School: 314-727-1747; cindy@kolrinahstl.org
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