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Tikkun Leil Shavuot

Thursday, May 25, 2023 5 Sivan 5783

7:45 PM - 2:00 AM Next DayKol Rinah

Tikkun Leil Shavuot:  A Celebration of Torah

Kol Rinah, Bais Abraham Congregation and Central Reform Congregation invite you to celebrate Shavuot together with learning, singing and community

Thursday, May 25
7:45pm - Mincha
7:57pm - Candle lighting
8:00pm - Kol Rinah Learning
9:00pm - Maariv
9:20pm - Dinner (Kosher Indian Vegetarian/Dairy from Gokul, $18/person)
10:15pm  - Tikkun Leil Shavuot Opening Gathering
10:30pm-2:00am - Learning with community teachers
11:30 - 11:45pm - Cheesecake! 

  • 10:30 - 11:30pm - Session 1
    • Sanctuary
      Cyndee Levy
      What’s Love (Ahavah) Got To Do With It?  Well, Everything Actually!
      There are a myriad of teachings and practices related to the subject of Ahavah/Love in our relationships.  In this session we will explore the commandment to “Love your neighbor as yourself” from Leviticus 19:18.  We will be guided by Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler’s Mussar text Kuntrus HaChessed Michtav M’Eliyahu, Volume 1 “Source of Love,” we will consider how ‘giving’ creates an opportunity to “love our neighbors as ourselves.”
    • Chapel
      Rabbi Scott Shafrin
      The Right Ways to Be Righteous 

      Throughout the Jewish tradition, our Sages have extolled the virtues of the tzaddik (צדיק), a righteous person. But what does it mean for one to be a tzaddik? Is there even any agreement on what defines a tzaddik  or how a person can aspire to live their lives in this world? Come learn direct from our sources and Sages about the path of the righteous person and the many ways this can impact our lives each day.


  • 11:45pm - 12:45am - Session 2
    • Sanctuary
      Rabbi Wendy Love Anderson
      Saving Shavuot: The Invention of a Diaspora Holiday

      In our Torah, Shavuot is an agricultural festival with no fixed date or origin story. How did it turn into a commemoration of the giving of the Torah at Sinai? This session explores the early history of Shavuot and its connections to revelation and exile.
    • Chapel
      Rabbi Garth Silberstein
      Honoring Parents, Even When It's Hard

      In this session, we will explore Talmudic discussions about honoring parents, including anecdotes about very difficult parents.  Along the way, we will seek to understand how to fulfill this mitzvah, which is so central that it merited a place in the ten commandments, as well as what to do when honoring our parents is not simple.


  • 1:00am - 2:00am - Session 3 
    • Sanctuary
      Rabbi Noah Arnow
      Tonal Torah or “Niggun Nigleh”

      We'll tune, and attune our souls and voices to prepare for (and experience?!) revelation by singing wordless melodies.  What Torah will be revealed through the sounds and harmonies we create?  We'll find out together.  
    • Chapel
      Rabbi Daniel Bogard
      "The Story of Us"

      Who were the first people to imagine themselves as "us", as "Jews"? What were their core stories that they told themselves about who they were, where they came from, and what they believed about the world? This class will follow the first thousand years of Jewish history to tell the story of how the Torah came to be, and the people and cultures who formed it.

Deadline to register for dinner: Monday, May 22 at 3pm
No signups necessary for the Tikkun—walk-ins welcome! 

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