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Shabbat Shalom from Rabbi Shafrin 3/17/2023

Dear Kol Rinah Family,

This week, we read about the start of a massive project that B'nai Yisrael embark on: the actual building of the Mishkan. But before the work can start, Moses gathers all the people together, people of every age, gender, tribe, and family, and the first thing he does is remind them about Shabbat.

What does Shabbat have to do with a building project? Shabbat represents our sacred ties to one another throughout all time and space. Moses wants to people to realize that they are not merely a group who comes together to create amazing things, but that they are there to create space for one another, to celebrate joyously, to cooperate, and to connect to that which is most sacred in our world. He reminds all the community that they are bound together by more than just their work, but by their relationships to one another and their commitment to each other.

I have always felt passionately blessed to be a part of a community that is defined and shaped by a commitment to building strong relationships with one another. By now, I hope you have had a chance to read my letter to the congregation announcing my career transition into a new professional role and my move to the role as Kol Rinah congregant this summer. While my role will change, I am passionately committed to this community and all of our people. I thank you all for the support and care you have always given me and my family and for your ongoing friendship.


We have an amazing program coming up this Sunday, March 19 at 4:00 pm BOTH at Kol Rinah and on Zoom (see link below) about our synagogue's beautiful stained glass and its creator, Rodney Winfield. Please join our own Gary Kodner who will present the life, career, and work of this incredible artist:

This Shabbat, we have plenty of excitement as well! It is Shabbat HaChodesh, the Shabbat that falls before the start of the month of Nisan, and we will also be concluding the Book of Exodus together.

Also this Shabbat, we will be having our Tot Shabbat Service at 10:45 am in the Guller Chapel. Come have a blast with our own wonderful Morah Karen as she leads us in songs, blessings, stories, and lots of joy during this energetic family service geared toward our youngest members!

We will be having Torah Talk today at noon on Zoom AND this Shabbat morning in the Community Hall at 10:15 am! I will be leading our Torah Talk focusing on some pretty miraculous materials that were found and brought together for the Mishkan. We will be diving deep into some text, commentaries, and midrashim to see how it is that B'nai Yisrael were able to get the things they needed for the Mishkan.

Also, if you would like to read Rabbi Arnow's detailed and insightful sermon from last Shabbat (Parashat Ki Tissa), you can read it here.

Candle Lighting Friday night is at 6:52 pm. 

Parshah: Vayakhel-Pekudei, Parshat Hachodesh
Torah Talk: 10:15am
Tot Shabbat: 10:45am
Torah Reading: Exodus 35:1 - 40:38
Maftir: Exodus 12:1-20
Haftarah: Ezekiel 45:16 - 46:18

Mincha/Maariv will be at 6:45pm  

Havdalah will be at 7:52 pm.

Kol tuv,
Rabbi Shafrin
To join our Zoom Minyanim or classes, click on the desired meeting link, or call into either of the following numbers: 
+1 312 626 6799
+1 646 558 8656
Then, when prompted, enter the Meeting ID of the desired minyan/class then press #.  Then, when prompted, enter the password then press #.  
Services (all times Central)

Evening Minyan on Zoom ( )
Sunday-Thursday evenings at 6pm

Morning Minyan on Zoom ( )
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings at 7am; Thursday mornings are in person only at Kol Rinah starting at 7:00 am. Sunday mornings and national holidays at 8am (not including Jewish holidays)

Learning Opportunities
Torah Talk with Rabbi Arnow or Rabbi Shafrin ( )
Every Friday at 12pm
Join us for study and discussion of the week's Torah portion.  

Kabbalat Shabbat/Shabbat morning

Fridays at 6:00pm, Saturdays at 9:00am, as well as the first day, seventh and eighth days of Passover
Click the link below, then click the triangular "play" buttom:

Until shortly before the service officially begins, there will a filler screen, but livestreamed video and sound will both start before the start of the service.  

You can also set your computer or device in advance so that this link will continue streaming continuously and you will not have to press any buttons on Shabbat. To make sure that your device will not shut itself down or do into sleep mode, follow the directions below to disable sleep mode:

For PC:
To disable automatic Sleep:
1. Open up Power Options in the Control Panel. In Windows 10 you can get there from right clicking on the start menu and going to Power Options
2. Click "change plan settings" next to your current power plan
3. Change "Put the computer to sleep" to never
4. Click "Save Changes"

For Apple Products:
1. On your Mac, choose Apple menu  > System Preferences, then click "Energy Saver."
2. Do either of the following:
          a. Set the amount of time your computer or display should wait before going to sleep: Drag the “Computer sleep” and “Display sleep” sliders, or the “Turn display off after” slider.
          b. Keep your Mac from going to sleep automatically: Select “Prevent computer from sleeping automatically when the display is off.”
Kol Rinah now has an Instagram feed 
as well as 
Facebook account! 
Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785