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Live StreamVideo Archive


Our prayer books include:

Siddur Sim Shalom for Weekdays
Siddur Lev Shalem for Shabbat and Festivals
Etz Hayim Humash for Torah and Haftarah
Machzor Lev Shalem for the High Holidays
Prayer books image
If you want to purchase or dedicate a Siddur, Humash or Machzor, please call the office 314.727.1747.

Services at a Glance

Weekday minyans on Zoom:
Mornings- M, T, W, F 7am & Sun 8am.
Evenings- Sun-Th 6pm. 
Log in to view the Zoom Links page.
Thursday mornings 7am are in-person only.
Shabbat Services- details
6pm Kabbalat Shabbat
9am Saturday Morning (unless it is a Kol Chadash, then it is 9:30)
Havdalah- See Calendar for times
Holidays - details
Special Holiday pages will be updated with all services and events, as that holiday draws near.
Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785