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November 2022 President's Message

Does anybody have the time?
I had a teacher at the Wydown Middle School who posted a sign next to the clock in her classroom that read: “If you have time to kill, work it to death”. Somehow that message has stuck with me for 55 years.
How many of us have heard these lines?
• Time is money. • Time waits for no one. • Better three hours too soon than a minute too late. • Lost time is never found again. • Time is on our side. • There is a time for everything, and a season for every purpose under the heavens. …
So how much time do we really have? How do we choose to spend our time? The number one answer people give for not volunteering or accepting a leadership position at Kol Rinah is “I don’t have the time.” So what happens when we all say that? Having been in community leadership for years, I can confirm that it does take time. Human capital has been and will be our most critical component in succeeding with any of our goals.I will argue that we all can find time, or create the time in our lives for the things we most value. So why is Kol Rinah getting short changed on many of our agendas? We are all busy. We all have business and social interests, families, entertainment and sports. How can we carve out time for Kol Rinah? Can we all agree that our congregation is worth our time? Isn’t it time we each found more time
for Kol Rinah?
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784