May 2024 President's Message
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I sincerely hope that your Pesach was enjoyable and fulfilling. Ours was bustling with food and family and friends. I always look forward to Pesach and I’m always glad when it’s over!
This year, May is a complicated month with a roller coaster of emotions in play. We look forward to celebrating Mother’s Day and then, at the end of the month, Lag B’Omer. Typically, we look forward to Yom Ha’atzmaut as well but, as with...Read more...
March 2024 President's Message
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Hag Purim Sameach. A time for joy – even when our hearts are torn over the happenings in Israel. My personal resolution: Celebrate! If we don’t celebrate, if we bury our heads and our hearts, HAMAS WINS. If you have time, look for Neshama Carlbach’s new release on YouTube. It’s called “Invincible Spirit.” There is healing there.
We are delivering Mishloach Manot to all our members starting March 17. If you can help pack...Read more...
January 2024 President's Message
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Dear Members,
It’s hard to believe that the first year of my presidency is over. I have learned so much and have been so impressed by all the hard work and all of the successes our Board of Directors and Committee Chairs have accomplished. Thank you to the VPs who keep everything running, to the Board for their dedication, insights and commitment, to the office staff and to everyone who has volunteered this year to make our programs and...Read more...
November 2023 President's Message
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Israel is at war. Our voices are raised in pain and anguish. Pray for strength for Israel’s soldiers and for all our people in the land of Israel. Pray for peace. Support Israel in any way you can.

September 2023 President's Message
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The advent of the High Holy Days always generates a mix of emotions in me that are rarely matched by any other dates on our calendar. I love the anticipation of being at shul, seeing so many friends that I might otherwise not encounter. I appreciate the holiday meals shared with family. I happily recall past, memorable services - sermons, niggunim, shofar blowing, voices of the congregation raised in song. I also recall those who will not be...Read more...
July 2023 President's Message
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Happy Summer to everyone!
Whoever said "lazy days of summer" (besides Nat King Cole) wasn't familiar with Kol Rinah. We have plenty of activities happening that I am excited to mention.
There are some summer changes to our Friday night services - look for info on special Kabbalat Shabbat services on July 14 and August 4. And make sure you save the date - Sunday, August 20 - for our SUMMERFEST, an afternoon of activities, music...Read more...
May 2023 President's Message
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Happy Spring to All!
I hope you had a wonderful Pesach. We sure did.
I want to take this opportunity to thank Randi Mozenter for her vision, persistence and positive attitude that made the evening honoring Michael Staenberg a huge success. Special thanks to team members Gary Kodner, Stacey Hudson, Stacy Abeles, Bette Abeles, Penny Alper, Gail Kodner, Elisa Israel, Dan Rosenthal, Harlie Frankel, Sherri Sadon. Debbie Zimmerman,...Read more...
March 2023 President's Message
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I was reading the very first Holy Beggar's Gazette that was printed on Purim 5732 (1972). It transcribes tapes made of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach teaching about Purim. One of his stories is about a poor man, Pinchas, who would only mumble a "good Purim" greeting because he was so downtrodden. The Kozhnitzer Maggid insisted that he say "Good Purim" forcefully and practiced with him until he had it down right. From that moment on,...Read more...
January 2023 President's Message
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Cheers to all of us past, present, and future!
Tovah asked me to submit my president’s article to the “VOICE”. It will likely be my last. It makes me wonder if anyone actually reads my articles. My reason for being president had little to do with me, and everything to do with sustaining a community that is committed to preserving our beautiful culture and traditions.
We recently completed the monumental task of sorting, cleaning,...
November 2022 President's Message
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Does anybody have the time?
I had a teacher at the Wydown Middle School who posted a sign next to the clock in her classroom that read: “If you have time to kill, work it to death”. Somehow that message has stuck with me for 55 years.
How many of us have heard these lines?
• Time is money. • Time waits for no one. • Better three hours too soon than a minute too late. • Lost time is never found again. •...Read more...
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Sat, February 8 2025
10 Shevat 5785
MISSION: Create a welcoming community that embraces Torah, meaningful worship, lifelong learning, music, Israel, and tikkun olam, guided by the tenets of Conservative Judaism.
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Minyans on Zoom:
Mornings- M, T, W, F 7am & Sun 8am.
Evenings- Sun-Th 6pm.
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Thursday mornings 7am are in-person only.
Office Hours
Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785
Kol Rinah: 7701 Maryland Avenue, Clayton, MO 63105
Office: 314-727-1747;
Monica Lynne Neidorff Early Childhood Center: 314-727-2565;
KoREH Religious School: 314-727-1747;
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