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High Holiday Information & Forms

High Holiday Food DriveBorow a High Holiday Mahzor Lev ShalemRabbi Arnow: Reb Zalman on TeshuvahJTS Student Ambassador ShabbatHavdalah, Learning & Selichot: Sep 28 at 8pmWhat is the Machzor Thinking?Tashlich in the ParkBrotherhood Spirits in the Sukkah - UshpizinSisterhood Sukkah Dinner, please RSVPRSVP for Simchat Torah Dinner by October 16th

Yom Kippur 3-3:45pm
Niggun Circle with Karen Kern, Will Soll & Rabbi Scott Shafrin
There are gates in heaven that cannot be opened except by melody and song. — Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liady.
Join us between Musaf and Mincha as we gather in the Guller Chapel for a song and niggun circle. We'll use this open space in the Day of Atonement to be together and to sing heart-opening niggunim (wordless songs) as we learn and meditate on melodies that reflect the sacred holiday and the deep well of Jewish tradition. No experience necessary! 
Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785