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July 2023 Sisterhood Message

As I begin another stint as president of Sisterhood, I hope I can count on all of you if I call and need your help. And, if you have any thoughts about what Sisterhood is currently doing, what you think we should be doing or could be doing to help you and Kol Rinah as a community, please let me know.
Sisterhood had an open meeting early in June to vote on a slate of officers and board for the term July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025. Notice of the meeting, with the slate, was emailed or mailed to every Sisterhood member the first of May. Thank you all for your input. We have several new board members and a couple who asked to come back. We are grateful to the board members who are finishing terms and have served faithfully for many years. Susan Brown, who is finishing this term as president as of June 30th, will continue on the Board as the Tribute Chair. Although she deserves a rest, let’s keep her busy with tributes.
Thank you to Fran Kaar for our successful Membership drive and for continuing to follow-up on membership status. Thank you to all of you who either re-newed your membership or came on board as a new member and for your generosity in dues and donations.
You have been so very giving in the past helping to make our Honey from the Heart undertaking a success. And without kiddushes, the $600 we received last year as our share of the profit from your honey orders sent to family and friends at Rosh Hashanah was a big help to our being able to give to the shul’s programs and funds. The link is on our website, or call the office if you need help ordering.
We celebrated our Torah Fund campaign on June 3 at Sisterhood Shabbat and honored the memory of Irene Belsky, z”l, a dedicated Sisterhood member and devoted supporter of Torah Fund. Thank you to everyone who participated to honor her memory.
As for our campaign, thanks to the attention to detail every step of the way, Linda Makler again ensured that we made it past the finish line with flying colors. Your donations continue to help the enormous work that continues to be undertaken by the five Jewish Conservative seminaries around the world.
Please join us Sunday afternoon on July 16. We have arranged for a docent tour of the Kaplan-Feldman Holocaust Museum. Our programs are open to the entire Kol Rinah family. Space is limited, so sign up now!
For more information and to join us for the tour, please either call the office or register at the Kol Rinah website.
Best wishes for a happy and safe summer.
Thu, May 9 2024 1 Iyyar 5784