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Tammy's Challah Recipe

Challah Recipe for Kol Rinah Zoom and Bake with Tammy Arnow (makes 2 large or 3-4 medium-sized challot) INGREDIENTS 1 cup lukewarm water, plus ⅓ cup lukewarm water for proofing yeast 1 heaping tablespoon yeast ⅓ cup sugar, plus 1 teaspoon sugar for proofing yeast 4½ cups all-purpose flour or bread flour (you may not need all) 2 eggs, beaten, plus 1 egg for glazing 2 teaspoons salt ¼ cup honey ⅓...Read more...

May 2024 Sisterhood Message

It’s spring. Passover and matzah-brei are behind us.  Unfortunately, we did not have enough sign-ups for the art museum tour perhaps because of its date not long before Passover. We are going to look for another date sometime in the fall. You should have received your letter from Linda Makler, our Torah Fund chair, beginning our 2024 campaign in support of future leaders of Conservative Jewry. Please be as generous as you can. Every...Read more...

March 2024 Sisterhood Message

It’s beginning to look a lot like Purim. About 16 of us gathered for Tu Bishvat the end of January with a program on Women and Food in the Talmud, led by our own Rabbi Jessica Shafrin who also gave us a recipe for Tu Bishvat tidbits stuffed prunes and apricots with nuts, and lovely herbal teas. There were a couple of pictures in the recent Extra. Thank you, Rabbi Jessica, for the interesting evening.    We have arranged for a...Read more...

January 2024 Sisterhood Message

It is almost a new year, with all the hopes that come with it. About two weeks ago, we celebrated the Festival of Lights and have put away our Chanukiot and dreidels for another year. Fran Kaar is still on the lookout for membership checks. We are going to make a final accounting to Women’s League in January; so if you haven’t renewed your membership yet or decided to become a member, please do. And you can be proud of what your Sisterhood...Read more...

November 2023 Sisterhood Message

It is just about the end of October, after a period of almost two months of holidays. It should have been a time for taking a deep breath and enjoying the relative quiet. But news last week from Israel was devastating and most of us are living with news hour by hour. It has made our fun and successful Supper in the Sukkah seem far away. The committee of Joyce Olshan, Enid Perll, Joanne Singer, and Marian Katz, chaired by Joyce Gang, managed to...Read more...

September 2023 Sisterhood Message

In July as I chaired my first Sisterhood board meeting as the president of Sisterhood again, it felt a bit strange. Although it would have been nice to have met in person, with all the world's problems, having to meet on zoom didn't seem so bad.   Fran Kaar has sent out our membership letter, so check your mailboxes. We ask you to please renew your current membership or decide to join. Every member counts. Debbie Finkelstein, our...Read more...

July 2023 Sisterhood Message

As I begin another stint as president of Sisterhood, I hope I can count on all of you if I call and need your help. And, if you have any thoughts about what Sisterhood is currently doing, what you think we should be doing or could be doing to help you and Kol Rinah as a community, please let me know.   Sisterhood had an open meeting early in June to vote on a slate of officers and board for the term July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025....Read more...

May 2023 Sisterhood Message

Since Pesach is past, the Sisterhood hopes everyone had a zissen (sweet) Pesach. Also in the past was Israel’s 75th Anniversary, and Sisterhood participated in the Lunch ‘n Learn. Now we look forward to Shavuot, the giving of the Torah, on Friday, May 26th and Shabbat, May 27th. Spring and its holidays are joyfully upon us.   This is the time of year that Sisterhood makes our donation to Torah Fund. Please contribute to Torah Fund....Read more...

March 2023 Sisterhood Message

Sisterhood is wrapping up its membership campaign. If our original membership letter to you has fallen through the cracks, please try to take care of it shortly, as we need to send in the final information to Women’s League before the end of February. We need every one of us to be a part of Sisterhood as your dues enable us to continue giving back to the shul in many areas.   We’re starting to work on our annual Torah Fund campaign....Read more...

January 2023 Sisterhood Message

We’ve just finished celebrating the Festival of Lights at the darkest time of the year.  I hope you all enjoyed Chanukah, at shul, at home, with family, friends, and the Kol Rinah community.  I’m just guessing that latkes and jelly donuts played a part in your celebrations. Seeing the Chanukah candles increase from night to night shows what just one more candle can do.   And it makes me think that it’s true of people. ...Read more...

November 2022 Sisterhood Message

We’re into November and the past few months have been good for Sisterhood. The Supper in the Sukkot event went great and was enjoyed by all who attended. The baked potatoes, vegetarian chili and salad was delicious as was the brownies and ice cream for dessert. Rabbi Arnow joined us and gave the blessing for sitting in a sukkah. Wendy Love Anderson gave a beautiful presentation about the many meanings of a "sukkah".   We’re almost at...Read more...
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784