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May 2017 Women's Social Group News

The KR Women’s Social Group has been “on the go” recently. We began with a visit to the St. Louis Art Museum to see the Degas, Impressionism, and the Paris Millinery Trade Exhibit in preparation for our High Tea. This exhibit runs through May 7th and is a wonderful experience! In attendance were Lorraine Rosenberg, Marian Katz, Linda Makler, Gail Appleson, Joyce Eisenberg, and Betty Seigel.

Our High Tea was held on March 26th and was a great success! Many who attended had their picture taken in a replica of a 1904 touring hat at the “photo booth.” Fred Makler volunteered as our photographer for the afternoon. After Marilyn welcomed and thanked all for coming, Linda Makler introduced a Getting to Know You activity. Everyone joined her in singing “Getting to Know You” from The King and I, and then doing the activity which, of course, included the question, “What high school did you attend?” Refreshments included a sweet table filled with delicious cookies and pastries and a special trifle with fruit prepared by Marian Katz and Joyce Eisenberg. Tea was poured and served by Lorraine Rosenberg. The lovely and talented Karen Kern sang and provided a wonderful selection of guitar and keyboard melodies. She invited all to sing along if they wished. Linda handed out the lyrics to a song parody that we sang as the many ladies in hats paraded around the auditorium. The winners of the Creative Hat Contest were Sara Steiner, Julie Tennenbaum, Susan Brown, and Pat Rosen.

On April 23rd, volunteers helped assemble soup packets for the Harvey Kornblum Food Pantry. The soup packets included four varieties of beans and various spices with an attached recipe.

On May 7th at 7:00 pm, Phyllis Hyken will present a fascinating program and interpretation on the opera Madame Butterfly. Madame Butterfly, which will be playing at the Loretto-Hilton Center beginning May 26th, is the story of a Japanese geisha and an American soldier. Their attraction is immediate, but their love story can’t last. When their union results in a child, the geisha is forced to do whatever it takes to protect her son’s future. Set to breathtaking music, this timeless opera pays powerful, wrenching tribute to a mother’s love.

If you would like to be part of the KR Women’s Social Group birthday and/or anniversary list, please contact Cindy Payant for more information

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784