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May 2024 KoREH News

May is an exciting time at KoREH! Our students are thrilled to be included in Kol Rinah’s Mitzvah Day on May 5, with families participating in the activities together. The following week, KoREH will experience its first Yom Yisrael – a celebration of Israeli society and culture. Students will expand their knowledge by playing trivia games, tasting foods, and diving into special activities. The day should be mitz-u-yan! (That’s the Hebrew...Read more...

March 2024 KoREH News

What’s a chug? A chug (pronounced “huug”) is an elective that KoREH students choose to take for a semester. Although the offerings of the chug vary – cooking, art, team challenges, makerspace, just to name a few – they all provide a meaningful connection to Judaism and Jewish values in some way. For example, right now, a group of students are learning how to crochet. Their newly learned skill is used to create a kippa for themselves...Read more...

January 2024 KoREH News

Parent Learning Series What a great semester it has been at KoREH! We began the year with record enrollment, hitting an all-time high of 74 students! Additionally, 100% percent of our staff returned and due to our growth we also added a new teacher as well. The KoREH community spent our Sundays learning new songs, like the Israeli national anthem and new Hebrew words that have been taught to us from our Shinshinit, Or. We enjoyed special...Read more...

November 2023 KoREH News

What does a typical day at KoREH look like? We begin as a community, with the fabulously musically talented Karen Kern leading us through a Havdalah ceremony. Then we go into our grade level classes where our teachers and madrichim staff provide engaging learning opportunities for our students. After a snack, the students then enjoy time in their chugim (electives) with topics ranging from art, Jewish makerspace, obstacles and challenges, and...Read more...

September 2023 KoREH News

Usually, I would be writing something like “Wow! Our time at KoREH has begun and it’s off to a great start!” Yet, the pacing of the Jewish holiday schedule has made it so that KoREH will be running consistently beginning October 15th. We begin this school year with a robust roster of students! There are teachers who are excited to return to the classroom and madrichim (high school assistants) who enthusiastically signed up to take on this...Read more...

July 2023 KoREH News

L'hitraot: Til We See Each Other Again   It’s an odd feeling to look back and be struck by just how much has changed in what seemed like such a small span of time. Seven years ago, I inherited a Kol Rinah Religious School that was ready for change. We had amazing families who were hungry for new Jewish experiences, and so together, we set about finding our way forward.   That small, committed group of thirty-seven students has...Read more...

March 2023 KoREH News

The Greatest Purim Mitzvah Is Empathy   As you’re reading this, Purim is nearly here. For many of us, the holiday of Purim holds a special place in our Jewish lives and in our memories. It is a holiday that takes a frightening premise (the near genocide of the Jews of Shushan) and reinvents it as a festival of merriment, revelry, and communal celebration. It’s one of the things I like best about this holiday, and an important piece of...Read more...

January 2023 KoREH News

The People Who Warm Your Heart   I have often been asked what it means to work as a rabbi. Most often, I think that outside of leading holidays, lifecycles, and religious ritual ceremonies, the work of being a rabbi is creating the connective tissue between people that builds and strengthens a community. Or, as the brilliant statesman, Robert F. Kennedy, once explained, “We must attempt to bring people back to the warmth of community,...Read more...

September 2022 KoREH News

The Wisdom of a New Start   Yose ben Yoezer used to say: let your house be a gathering space for the wise; sit in the very dust of their feet, and drink in their words with thirst. ~ Mishnah Avot 1:4   Over the past six years, one of my primary missions has been to build our religious school into the kind of community that brings together learners of all ages and interests, a place where curiosity is rewarded and wisdom...Read more...

July 2022 KoREH News

The Future’s So Bright…   A famous story is told about Rabbi Akiva, possibly the greatest sage and scholar of the Mishna. It is told that he had no formal education until age forty. One day, while walking, he came across a large rock with a hole worn through it. When he asked how the hole had been made, it was explained that the waters that dripped continually onto the rock had worn it down over the ages and eventually formed a crack...Read more...
Mon, January 20 2025 20 Teves 5785