After a summer hiatus, I am so excited that Torah Talk is returning this Shabbat morning, at about 10:15am (or right around the time of the first aliya) in the Community Hall. I'll be teaching this week, as we look at a verse from this week's parasha (Ekev) that promises that we will "not eat bread in poverty" (Dt. 8:9). (I'll also be speaking in the sermon about a different bread-themed verse!)
For those of you haven't come before, when I teach, I usually bring a number of readings and commentaries on a particular detail or verse in our Torah portion. We come to notice the ambiguities, superfluities, challenges and possibilities in the section of Torah we're looking at, and always also consider our own learnings and lessons from the text and the reflections on it.
Other teachers have different approaches. Next week in the Torah Talk space, Karen Kern will lead some niggun singing, and there are more teachers coming in future weeks.
And just a word around the "theory" of Torah Talk. In the sanctuary, we read the full Torah portion, in Hebrew. It's long. I know many people find great meaning, interest and peace in following along with the Torah reading. I know others find it less meaningful, less interesting, and get antsy. Listening the Torah reading is great. Coming to Torah Talk is great.
Tonight at 6pm, we'll have our last "Shabbat in the Park" at the Shaw Park South Shelter, with an abbreviated service. We'll bring the challah and grape juice, and you can bring your own picnic dinner. We'll be there unless it's actively raining/storming, in which case look for us inside at Kol Rinah.
Candle lighting is at 7:51pm tonight.
Tomorrow morning we start as usual at 9am. Torah Talk at 10:15am. There's our family Kol HaMishpacha service at 10:45am with Karen Kern. And Kiddush returns!
Shabbat ends at 8:52pm.
In the coming weeks, there's much happening. We have a blood drive the afternoon of Tuesday, August 15.
We'll have our next Shabbat mincha/Seudah Shelisheet/Maariv Saturday evening August 19.
Summerfest, an amazing, long-gestating gathering, will be on Sunday afternoon August 20.
I'm starting High Holiday preparation classes Tuesday, August 22.
Kol Chadash on Saturday, August 26.
A grief havurah (group) led by Rabbi Jessica Shafrin will be having its first meeting the morning of Sunday, Augus 27.
For all of these, and much more, check out our website.
Last but not least, we are collecting school supplies for the beginning of the school year. Bring supplies (details on what we need are here) to our lobby.
Shabbat shalom and see you at the park and at shul,
Rabbi Noah Arnow
To join our Zoom Minyanim or classes, click on the desired meeting link, or call into either of the following numbers:
+1 312 626 6799
+1 646 558 8656
Then, when prompted, enter the Meeting ID of the desired minyan/class then press #. Then, when prompted, enter the password then press #.
Services (all times Central)
Evening Minyan on Zoom
Sunday-Thursday evenings at 6pm (but not on Jewish holidays)
Morning Minyan on Zoom
Monday-Wednesday and Friday mornings at 7am; Sunday mornings and national holidays at 8am (not including Jewish holidays)
(Please note that Thursday morning minyan is now being held in-person and is not on Zoom)
Friday nights and Shabbat mornings
Fridays, 6pm in the chapel (no streaming) (at Shaw Park South Shelter on 8/4)
Saturdays, 9:00am (9:30am when we are doing our musical Kol Chadash service)
Click the link below, for the stream, as well as for additional instructions:
MISSION: Create a welcoming community that embraces Torah, meaningful worship, lifelong learning, music, Israel, and tikkun olam, guided by the tenets of Conservative Judaism.