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Shabbat Shalom from Rabbi Arnow 9/1/2023

Dear Kol Rinah Family, 

Gratitude is the focus of the beginning of this week's Torah portion, Parashat Ki Tavo.  When the Israelites enter the land that God is giving them, and they harvest the "first fruits," they are to bring a basket of that produce from the beginning of the harvest to the Temple in Jerusalem and recite a formula that tells, in very short form, all of Jewish history--going down to Egypt, enslavement, freedom, and arriving in the land of Israel, culminating with bringing the harvest from the land.  (That very short story is the basis of the telling of the Passover story in the Haggadah.)  

In the spirit of gratitude, I want to share something with you about Kol Rinah for which I am so grateful, which makes me proud of us, and frankly, makes my job much easier too.  

Anyone and everyone can come to our synagogue, any time, and can be a member here.  It's not only for people who can afford it.  It's never "members only."  

We welcome anyone who wants to come on the High Holidays.  We do ask (but don't require) them to 
sign up so we can have a nametag for them, and we suggest but do not require a donation.  This is to say, you don't have to pay to pray.  

Similarly, anyone who wants to be a member of Kol Rinah can be; we ask (and need!) members to support our congregation in ways and amounts that are meaningful and generous to them.  But money never needs to prevent anyone from being a member of our shul.  

 I am so grateful to be able to convey these messages about our core identity to new and prospective members, to college students, to prospective converts, to visitors, travelers, 

Thank you for your support, in your Member Support, in your High Holiday pledges, and in all the ways you give to and support Kol Rinah.  We could not be who we are without your generosity.  

Tonight, we'll welcome Shabbat at 6pm in the sanctuary with an energetic, musical Kabbalat Shabbat. 

Candle lighting is at 7:14pm.  

Tomorrow morning, we'll start at 9am.  Torah Talk with Will Soll this week will be in the Staenberg Family Community Hall at 10:15am.  Tot Shabbat with Karen Kern will be at 10:45am outside in our courtyard (we've got mats and blankets).  

We'll also be celebrating the aufruf (and upcoming wedding on Sunday) of Sarah Sherer-Kohlburn and Benjamin Singer.  Mazal tov!!! Kiddush will follow services.  

Shabbat ends at 8:11pm.  

The High Holidays are coming (just three two weeks away, now, yikes!), and all the details, forms, and information are on our website.  The deadine to sign up for babysitting is Wednesday, September 6, and the deadline to order lulavim and etrogim is next Friday, September 8.  If anyone needs help affording a lulav and etrog, I would be very delighted to help.  

Tuesday evening September 5 at 7pm in person here at the synagogue I'll be leading the third of our three Elul Teshuvah (repentance) workshops, on repairing our relationship with G!d. What or who is the G?D with which we want to reconnect? And how do we start that process? Through a little study, some “prayer exercises,” and some planning, we’ll build some tools for using the Days of Awe as a time to become closer to G*d. 

Next Saturday night, September 9, is Selichot, the service that first introduces the penitential prayers and melodies of the season.  

Here's the schedule:
8:30pm - Havdalah
8:40pm - Looking Back to Look Forward: Selichot Journaling with Will Soll
Rosh Hashanah creates a seam in time, encouraging us to stop and look back before moving forward. This journaling workshop is designed to evoke the ebb and flow of 5783 and harvest its memories before we enter 5784. Journaling is solitary, private work that is nonetheless best done with the structure, support and encouragement of a community. While participants may share parts of their entries with the group if they choose, it is not expected or required.

9:30pm - Selichot Service with Rabbi Arnow, Karen Kern and Will Soll

I hope you'll join us!!! 

Shabbat shalom and see you at shul, 
Rabbi Noah Arnow

To join our Zoom Minyanim or classes, click on the desired meeting link, or call into either of the following numbers: 
+1 312 626 6799
+1 646 558 8656
Then, when prompted, enter the Meeting ID of the desired minyan/class then press #.  Then, when prompted, enter the password then press #.  
Services (all times Central)
Evening Minyan on Zoom
Sunday-Thursday evenings at 6pm (but not on Jewish holidays)

Morning Minyan on Zoom
Monday-Wednesday and Friday mornings at 7am; Sunday mornings and national holidays at 8am (not including Jewish holidays)

(Please note that Thursday morning minyan is now being held in-person and is not on Zoom)

Friday nights and Shabbat mornings
Fridays, 6pm in the chapel (no streaming)
Saturdays, 9:00am (9:30am when we are doing our musical Kol Chadash service)
Click the link below, for the stream, as well as for additional instructions:
Kol Rinah now has an Instagram feed 
as well as Facebook  account!
Fri, May 3 2024 25 Nisan 5784