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Shabbat Shalom from Rabbi Arnow 1/19/2024

Dear Kol Rinah Family, 

My sermon from last Shabbat about 
the hidden seeds of redemption is available on our website. 

There are a few things I read and listened to over the last week that really struck me.  The first was 
Tal Becker's opening address against South Africa's genocide case against Israel at the World Court at the Hague.  It's worth reading.  

I also found Rabbi Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi's 
conversation about the Hague trial helpful, to understand the ways that Israelis find this harmful and dangerous, and are also angry about things some government ministers have done to give fuel to the charge of genocide.  

Moving to the homefront, 
Yehuda Kurtzer's conversation with Mark Oppenheimer, a historian and former host of the podcast "Unorthodox," about antisemitism on college campuses for me was a very useful perspective about what's really happening on campuses vis a vis Jewish students, now and over the last decades.  

I won't be at shul this Shabbat, as I tested positive this morning for Covid.  I only started feeling anything but perfect around 10pm last night.  Today, I'm feeling just a touch under the weather, but I'll be home through Tuesday, to keep all of you healthy! 

Candle lighting tonight is at 4:50pm.  

Karen Kern and Will Soll will lead a musical Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv starting at 6pm, with Kabbalat Shabbat almost entirely consisting of melodies by Israel's 
Nava Tehila.  Following services is dinner for those who signed up in advance.  

Tomorrow morning beginning at 9:30am, Karen Kern, Will Soll & Rabbi Scott Shafrin will lead our Kol Chadash musical Shabbat morning service.  I'll be sorry to miss it!  A Tu Bishvat-themed kiddush follows. 

Mincha, ma'ariv and havdalah will begin at 3:50pm, and Shabbat ends at 5:55pm.  

Sunday morning at 9:20, Nina Needleman will be presenting in our 
KoREH speakers series about family finances.  All are invited.  

Sunday afternoon at 4pm, Verein's series on the history of the Yiddish theater continues on Zoom.  Details and sign-up here.  

Thursday evening at 7pm, Rabbi Jessica Shafrin will lead a Sisterhood program on women in the Talmud in honor of Tu Bishvat.  All are invited.  Details here.  

Our next intruder safety training with the Clayton Police Department will be on Sunday, February 4 from 4-6pm.  For anyone who is at Kol Rinah regulalry, your coming to this training will make you and all of us safer!  
Details and RSVP here.  

Looking ahead to Saturday evening, February 10, musician, filmmaker, writer and teacher Alica Jo Rabins will be at Kol Rinah for Havdalah and an evening of music and storytelling.  
Put it on your calendars and sign up now!  

For more and collected Israel information, see 
this page on our website, as well as the Jewish Federation of St. Louis's Israel Resources page

Every Shabbat morning, we are still reciting a 
prayer for the State of Israel, a prayer for Israel Defense Forces soldiers, and a prayer for hostages.  

May the one who makes peace in the heavens make peace over us, and over all Israel, and over all who dwell in the world.  

See you in shul but not this Shabbat,
Rabbi Noah Arnow

To join our Zoom Minyanim or classes, click on the desired meeting link, or call into either of the following numbers: 
+1 312 626 6799
+1 646 558 8656
Then, when prompted, enter the Meeting ID of the desired minyan/class then press #.  Then, when prompted, enter the password then press #.  
Services (all times Central)
Evening Minyan on Zoom
Sunday-Thursday evenings at 6pm (but not on Jewish holidays)

Morning Minyan on Zoom
Monday-Wednesday and Friday mornings at 7am; Sunday mornings and national holidays at 8am (not including Jewish holidays)

(Please note that Thursday morning minyan is now being held in-person at 7am (8am on national holidays) and is not on Zoom)

Friday nights and Shabbat mornings
Fridays, 6pm in the chapel (no streaming)
Saturdays, 9:00am (9:30am when we are doing our musical Kol Chadash service)
Click the link below, for the stream, as well as for additional instructions:
Kol Rinah now has an Instagram feed 
as well as Facebook  account!
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784