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Shabbat Shalom from Rabbi Arnow 4/5/2024 4

Dear Kol Rinah Family,

Here's my d'var Torah from last Shabbat on the Haftarah for Shabbat Parah and Trans Day of Visibility.  

Mazal tov to Soliea Feit on her bat mitzvah this Shabbat!  Mazal tov also to her parents, Jenna Lew Feit and Corey Feit, her sister Riav, and her grandparents (our members) Susan and Judel Lew.  

Before we get to this week, I want to mention a couple of things coming up next week. 

All the Passover info is here, and the deadline to sign up for our congregational second seder is next week--Tuesday, April 9! 

This Sunday (April 7), we have two great educational programs happening. 

At about 9:15am in the sanctuary, our member 
Rabbi Micah Buck-Yael will speak about being an ally to LGBTQ+ folks, specifically focusing on supporting trans kids and their families.  

At 4pm on Zoom, Ralph Graff will be teaching the 
first of four sessions on biblical criticism.  This session will focus on the "restoration period," when the Israelites returned from captivity in Babylonia and rebuilt the Temple.  Ralph has done a tremendous amount of learning and research for this--it's quite amazing! 

Next Friday night (April 12), we're so lucky to have Rabbi James Stone Goodman, a St. Louis legend, with us.  He and Will Soll (with some backup from Karen Kern and me) will lead us on a musical and spiritual journey to welcome Shabbat, blending traditions from East and West.  As a rabbi at Kol Rinah, I rarely get to be anywhere for services.  To be able to hear and learn and pray with Rabbi Goodman will be a great pleasure for me--and I hope you'll join us!  

Following services willl be dinner (Israeli food), after which Rabbi Goodman will be speaking about and reading from his new book, 
Fountains: Respect for Source.  Come join us--the deadline to sign up is Tuesday, April 9.  

Saturday, April 13 will be Kol Chadash--our musical Shabbat morning service.  It'll be a great musical Shabbat!  Much of the music we do in that service can be found in 
this Spotify playlist and on our website here.   

We'll have mincha Shabbat afternoon April 13 at 6:20pm.  

Getting to this Shabbat, Karen Kern and Will Soll will lead a musical Kabbalat Shabbat at 6pm.  

Candle lighting is at 7:11pm. 

Tomorrow morning, we'll begin at 9am.  We'll be celebrating Soliea's bat mitzvah, and there will be kiddush following.  It's also Shabbat HaChodesh--the Shabbat preceding the new month of Nissan, and the fourth of the four special Shabbatot leading up to Passover... which is coming.  

Shabbat ends at 8:11pm.  

We've had a bit of trouble the last week or two making minyan in the mornings on Zoom--if you're able to join us at 8am on Sundays, or 7am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday (Thursday is in person), your presence will really be appreciated.  

Sunday morning (4/7), I'll be headed to Israel for a short trip with the Jewish Federation of St. Louis.  I should be back Friday morning, April 12.  I hope to speak and write about my experiences there the Shabbat before Pesach (April 20), and over Passover, so look for that.  

For more and collected Israel information, see this page on our website, as well as the Jewish Federation of St. Louis's Israel Resources page

Every Shabbat morning, we are still reciting a 
prayer for the State of Israel, a prayer for Israel Defense Forces soldiers, and a prayer for hostages.  

May the one who makes peace in the heavens make peace over us, and over all Israel, and over all who dwell in the world.  

Shabbat shalom, and see you in shul,
Rabbi Noah Arnow

To join our Zoom Minyanim or classes, click on the desired meeting link, or call into either of the following numbers: 
+1 312 626 6799
+1 646 558 8656
Then, when prompted, enter the Meeting ID of the desired minyan/class then press #.  Then, when prompted, enter the password then press #.  
Services (all times Central)
Evening Minyan on Zoom
Sunday-Thursday evenings at 6pm (but not on Jewish holidays)

Morning Minyan on Zoom
Monday-Wednesday and Friday mornings at 7am; Sunday mornings and national holidays at 8am (not including Jewish holidays)

(Please note that Thursday morning minyan is now being held in-person at 7am (8am on national holidays) and is not on Zoom)

Friday nights and Shabbat mornings
Fridays, 6pm in the chapel (no streaming)
Saturdays, 9:00am (9:30am when we are doing our musical Kol Chadash service)
Click the link below, for the stream, as well as for additional instructions:
Kol Rinah now has an Instagram feed 
as well as Facebook  account!
Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785