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July 2021 Rabbi Arnow's Article

Dreaming Again
When it comes to shul, it feels, in certain ways, like we’ve been on a very long summer vacation. Kol Rinah has been doing a little bit less this last year and a half, and we’ve had the opportunity to focus on some other priorities, like finishing our building.
We still have two important components of our building project unfunded and unfinished - kitchens, and the expansion of the Early Childhood Center. The former is central to what we do together - eating, and the latter is crucial for meeting the huge demand for early childhood education, as well for keeping us financially strong. Finishing these projects will continue to be a priority, and if you have ideas or interest in helping to bring them to fruition, please let me know!
As Covid slowly abates, and as the biggest synagogue project of most of our lifetimes concludes, I’m beginning to get excited for the coming years at Kol Rinah.
I can’t wait for us to throw open our doors for all of you, for the whole St. Louis Jewish community, and for the Clayton community too, to make our space and new home a hub that welcomes groups, programs and performances.
I’m dreaming already of gathering people interested in singing together in our sanctuary, where the acoustics for singing are just extraordinary.
I’m definitely feeling that travel bug.Would anyone be interested in some Kol Rinah travel--to Israel or Eastern Europe, perhaps?
Our Tzedek Team is doing amazing work, and I’m really looking forward to seeing more and more people become involved in our efforts to support the communities around us.
As we have more people in person, I know we’ll continue our experiments and innovations in prayer and services to find new ways of energizing our spiritual life.
Over the next few years, I anticipate we’ll be starting to work to train more people in leading services, and reading Torah, to increase the cadre of people able to help lead and participate in services.
Scholars in residence and special musicians will come back to Kol Rinah in the coming year. But we’ll continue to use Zoom to bring in teachers as well.
I’d love to think again about having a different congregational theme each year.
What else are you excited about and interested in creating at Kol Rinah? Let me know!
Most of all, we need to spend the next couple of years deeply reconnecting with each other, rebuilding our relationships and connections and community.
We have lots to be busy with, and I can’t wait!
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784