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July 2022 Rabbi Arnow's Article

Helping People, Helping You
I want to highlight and remind you of two different ways that Rabbi Shafrin and I can help people, including you—pastoral care and financial support.
We both have training and experience providing pastoral care. You may think to call a rabbi around the time of a sickness or loss, and of course, we are available to be with people at these times, and address issues from a Jewish ritual perspective. But we also of course attend to the human emotions and dynamics that arise during these times too.
At all sorts of life transitions and challenging moments, we have lots of feelings, and just talking and unpacking those feelings with someone who you know, but who is not a family member and who is bound by confidentially, can be helpful. I’ve talked with people as they contemplate a job or career transition, or as they have a transition forced upon them. Retirement is a major transition.  I’ve talked with people about their reproductive choices. New stages of life with children means new challenges, and I’ve talked with parents about the stresses of new parenthood, about challenging teens and college students, and about challenging relationships with adult children. I’ve talked with people about challenging situations with parents, including aging parents.
I’ve talked with people who are having questions about faith and prayer, about God and Judaism, and about continuing or beginning their own Jewish learning and education.
In general, if a situation is going to require more than three meetings within a few weeks, my suggestion will be to refer them to a professional therapist, as there may be more help needed than I can provide, and I may not have the time to help sufficiently.
If you’d like to talk, give the office a call or send me an email, and let me know how urgent it is. We’ll find time as appropriate. I also want to remind everyone that Rabbi Shafrin and I have discretionary funds to which people donate (perhaps you have—if so, thank you!). We are able to provide financial support to people in need. I can’t sustainably provide significant ongoing support, but if there ever is a time when you or someone close to you needs temporary financial assistance, whether for necessities, or “Jewish necessities” (Jewish education or travel, Jewish ritual objects—tallit, tefillin, etc., kosher and/or holiday food), please let me know.
If there are other ways that you or people you know need help or support from us, please tell us. I cannot visit or call anyone as regularly as I would like to. If you or anyone you know would like a call or visit, please let me know, and it will happen.
And never feel bad about asking. It’s what we’re here for. 
Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785