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March 2023 Rabbi Arnow's Article

A Second Seder at Shul
This year, for the first time in several years, and for only the second time since I’ve been at Kol Rinah, we will be hosting a Passover Seder, on the second night of Passover.
I have always loved second seders because they offer another opportunity to discuss, to sing, and to “get into” the holiday. The stakes are lower, and we’re more prepared. And especially when the second seder is not on or right after Shabbat (this year it’s a Thursday night), as far as I’m concerned, one can be much more relaxed about the timing of everything.
Passover is a holiday primarily celebrated at home. But many of us have had the experience of going to someone else’s family’s home for Passover and realizing that what we are used to is different than what others do on Passover. It can be both jarring and exciting.
What should a seder at shul be like? Part of the pleasure should be not needing to cook and clean up. Beyond that, our goal will be to engage participants. There might be elements that speak more to some people than others, more to certain ages than others. But we want everyone to feel like this seder is for them. Which it will be.
As I write this in the beginning of February, we haven’t started planning the details of the seder. I can tell you, though, that there will be singing, reading, conversation, activities, and time just to be together. We’ll have age-appropriate activities for everyone, and we won’t read every word of the Haggadah—not even close.
Everyone is welcome, and if cost is an issue, talk to me and I’ll make sure you can attend. Our capacity is limited though, so sign up soon!
If you are interested in coming and helping with the seder, whether with the logistics or the programming (what we’ll actually do!), be in touch with me.
See you at the Seder!
Tue, September 10 2024 7 Elul 5784