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September 2022 Tzedek Team News

Resolution for the New Jewish Year, 5783: Pursue justice with Kol Rinah
Sign up to work the polls this November; donate food, blood, and time!
In this past year, we have made strides in our synagogue and surrounding communities by hosting blood drives, cleaning a local stream, collecting food donations, helping Beyond Housing re-organize one of their locations, and advocating for just causes, rooted in Jewish texts and tradition. We hosted Kol Rinah’s first Mitzvah Day and look forward to growing it in the future. In this year ahead, we will continue to pursue acts of lovingkindness and social justice.
This new year, we are inviting you to consider pursuing acts of tzedek (justice) through Kol Rinah’s Tzedek Team. You can sign up for a single event or commit to joining our team and bring your ideas to our monthly meetings. Officer roles are available.
You are invited to participate in a few ways:
1. Support democracy in November and earn $200! Sign up to be an official St. Louis County poll worker this November at Those with a Republican party preference are especially needed because every poll requires a bipartisan team. Please notify Kol Rinah member Aaron Schwartz,, once you’ve applied so we can keep track of how many Kol Rinah members are participating. This is part of the national More Perfect Union: Jewish Partnership for Democracy.
2. Bring food donations for the Jewish Food Pantry to Yom Kippur Kol Nidre services. There is a bin marked for collection of food items for the Harvey Kornblum Food Pantry. So anytime you come to shul, bring non-perishable food to donate.
3. Save the date for December 13 to donate blood. Our 2nd annual winter blood drive is Tuesday, December 13 at 3-6pm at Kol Rinah. Signup coming soon.
4. Join our monthly meeting! The Tzedek Team meets virtually on the fourth Thursday evening of each month at 8:30pm. To join our meeting, please contact Benjamin Singer,, with “Tzedek” in the subject line to let him know you’ll be joining and get the Zoom connection.
Become a Tzedek Team leader. Our chair is finishing 2 years, so we are seeking a new chair and some other officer roles. Let Benjamin know if you’re interested.
Here’s to a sweet new year pursuing justice together!
L’Shanah Tovah!
Benjamin Singer -Tzedek Team Chair
Cindy Kalachek- Tzedek Team Communications Co-Chair
Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785