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September 2023 Brotherhood Message

Shana Tovah U’Metukah, Have a Happy and Sweet New Year, may it be a year of peace and prosperity for you, your family and our broader community from Kol Rinah, to St. Louis, across the US and in Israel! We’ve been through some tough times in the past few years, and the future doesn’t look rosy yet!
Brotherhood would like to encourage all of us to do our part to make the world a better place. Brotherhood recently had a Hearing Men’s Voices talking about choices in what we eat. Interestingly everyone keeps some level of Kashrut. We discussed eating meat and the impact on the animals, the environment, and our health. Our discussion about animals, the mass distribution of poultry and beef had an impact on many of us. Please consider joining Brotherhood in reducing the amount of meat we eat – we decided as a group to “No Meat Mondays” for the month of Elul and possibly Tishrei. Although many of the men already eat very little or no meat – we all can do our part to move in a positive direction. Please consider joining our plight.
Please consider joining Brotherhood and helping us make a difference in our Shul, our community and the world. We look forward to more engaging topics and programs in the future! There were suggestions for programs and outings including Tikun Olam, Holocaust Museum Tour, Mo. Botanic Gardens, Baseball, Golf, Poker, and of course Hearing Men’s Voices.
Join us for Veggie Steak in the Sukkah & Scotch with a taste of Talmud at 6:30pm on October 1st (Steaks optional).
Thank you to all the volunteers who helped with Summerfest! Brotherhood made Hamburgers and Hot Dogs! Whiskey Tasting was a great success.
Scholarships are always available for Kol Rinah Youth trips to Israel.
Bob Olshan & Max Brown
Tue, October 15 2024 13 Tishrei 5785