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May 2023 Sisterhood Message

Since Pesach is past, the Sisterhood hopes everyone had a zissen (sweet) Pesach. Also in the past was Israel’s 75th Anniversary, and Sisterhood participated in the Lunch ‘n Learn. Now we look forward to Shavuot, the giving of the Torah, on Friday, May 26th and Shabbat, May 27th. Spring and its holidays are joyfully upon us.
This is the time of year that Sisterhood makes our donation to Torah Fund. Please contribute to Torah Fund. All donated monies are given to the 5 Rabbinical Schools for the Conservative/Masorti Movement in New York, Los Angeles, Jerusalem, Buenos Aires and Germany. Each institute is a beneficiary of our efforts in the Torah Fund campaign. We are honoring the memory of Irene Belsky, z”l for Torah Fund this year. Irene loved learning and appreciated that women were able and willing to participate in services. She was the Torah Fund chairman for many years. We will honor her memory; and two of her sons, Jonathan and Howard Belsky, will receive an Aliyah at our Sisterhood Shabbat service on Shabbat, June 3rd. We hope you will be able to attend services that morning.
Upcoming Sisterhood events include a cooking/Talmud/learning program with Rabbi Jessica Shafrin on zoom this spring.
Sisterhood will also participate in Mitzvah Day, May 7th. and will happily supply the snacks for the participants.
A visit to go together to the Kaplan/Feldman Holocaust Museum is being planned for the summer, and Dale Sharon, a docent at the St. Louis Art Museum who has given us several programs, is planning another presentation, probably in the fall, this one on Art and Judaism.
Wishing everyone a good spring and upcoming summer.
In gratitude,
Thu, May 9 2024 1 Iyyar 5784