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The Kol Rinah Brotherhood Leo Wolf
and Mendel Rosenberg Yellow Candle Program

We hope you received your Yellow Candle with your Mishloach Manot, if not please contact the Kol Rinah Office. Please help us remember those who suffered in the Holocaust along by lighting this Yellow Candle with Kol Rinah, St. Louis and people around the world on Erev Yom HaShoah ‒ the day dedicated to remembering the Six Million who perished in the Holocaust. Place your lit candle in a prominent place and recite the mediation at the bottom of this page.
The Yellow Candle Program plays a strong part in supporting the Kol Rinah Brotherhood’s Rabbi Emeritus Youth Scholarship Fund, which helps send our Kol Rinah youth to programs in Israel.  
Thank you to those who volunteered their time to help pack and deliver the Yellow Candles along with Mishloach Manot.  
In the spirit of remembrance, we encourage the giving of Tzedakah as a form of respect to those who did not survive the Holocaust.  Through your generosity we will continue to purchase and provide candles to our synagogue membership each and every year and to pledge our collective support to organizations dedicated to keeping the memory of the Six Million alive even as the number of survivors dwindles. Your contributions to the Leo Wolf and Mendel Rosenberg Memorial Yellow Candle program will be greatly appreciated.  
Please send your check payable to Kol Rinah Brotherhood or go to our donation page online and select "Kol Rinah Brotherhood".
Thank you for your generosity and support.


Mendel's Story

Mendel Rosenberg was born in 1928, in Konigsberg, Germany.  Later his family moved to Shailiai, Lithuania.  Mendel’s father had a clothing business, and Mendel had one brother.  When World War II broke out in 1939, the Russians came into Lithuania, and Mendel’s father had to give up his business. 
In 1941, the Germans invaded the Soviet Union, and Shailiai was occupied by the German army.  Mendel’s father and brother were taken to jail and his father was shot in July 1941.  Later that year, the family had to move into the ghetto.  They were put to work; Mendel first worked as a carpenter, then on the railroad, later in a sugar factory.  
Mendel stayed in the ghetto with his mother and brother until 1944 when they were transferred to Stutthof, a concentration camp in Germany.  Later, Mendel and his brother were sent to Muhldorf, a subcamp of Dachau.  Mendel was put to work on a construction project, unloading and carrying cement.  The food rations became smaller and smaller and after six months Mendel became sick.  He describes it as a terrible time when they had only one thing in their mind and that was “how to survive and make it to the next day.  Mendel was transferred to a carpenter shop in the camp, which he says saved his life.  He and his brother were separated at the beginning of 1945.  After the war Mendel found out that his brother was murdered in February 1945.
After the war, Mendel stayed in Feldafing, Germany in a displaced persons camp.  He was reunited with his mother in late 1946.  They had relatives in the United States, and they decided to come here.  They arrived in March 1947.  Mendel first settled down in Youngstown, Ohio, then 10 years later his company transferred him to St. Louis, Missouri.  Later he started his own business.


Leo's Story

Leo Wolf, partially hidden fifth from right, was a survivor of the Łódź Ghetto, Dachau, Auschwitz and 10 other concentration camps.  His will to live was so strong, he escaped this death march and managed to survive.  When he was liberated by the Americans, he weighed just 66 pounds.
Leo found Sara, the love of his life, in a Displaced Persons camp (she was a sister of a childhood friend), and they came together to the St. Louis area without a dollar in their pockets.

Leo built a successful construction business in Illinois and became a philanthropist supporting Shaare Zedek and later Kol Rinah.  He was one of the co-founders of the St. Louis Holocaust Museum.
Leo had three passions, his family (Robert z’’l, Harvey and Michael and all their wives and children and grandchildren), educating people about the Holocaust and the State of Israel.
The linkage of remembering the Holocaust and supporting Israel is why our Brotherhood unanimously decided to rename this program in honor of Leo Wolf’s memory.



As you light your yellow candle at sundown on April 17, please recite this meditation.
As I light this candle, I vow never to forget the lives of the Jewish men, women and children who were martyred and are symbolized by this flame.  They were tortured and brutalized by human beings who acted like beasts; their lives were taken in cruelty.  May we be inspired to learn more about our six million brothers and sisters as individuals and as communities, to recall their memory throughout the year, so that they will not suffer a double death.  May we recall not only the terror of their deaths, but also the splendor of their lives.  May the memory of their lives inspire us to hallow our own lives and to live meaningful Jewish lives so that we may help to ensure that part of who they were shall endure always. 
-Rabbi Jules Harlow
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784