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May 2022 KoREH News

Spreading Learning Far and Wide Learning has always been fundamental to Jewish life and cultural expression. So much so that Jewish learning has been described as both “a tree of life” (Proverbs 3:18) and “like a warming fire” (Jeremiah 23:29), as something that nourishes and sustains us, and at the same time ignites our passions and fuels us forward.   In our own learning at our Kol Rinah Education Hub (KoREH), we have seen our...Read more...

March 2022 KoREH News

After a nice long winter break, extended a few weeks as we waited for COVID numbers to get better, KoREH is back in full swing! We are so grateful to our students and parents for masking up and helping keep everyone safe. We want to give a special shout out to our teachers. Through all of the ups and downs of the pandemic, and all of the rules to keep everyone healthy, our teachers have worked hard to ensure our students are learning and...Read more...

November 2021 KoREH News

This time of year, our tradition steeps us in tales of journeys and adventure, family and community, and, most critically, of spiritual self-discovery. From the moment we emerge from the High Holidays and start the cycle of Torah anew, we read each week the Torah tales of our ancestors going out into the world and discovering something new about themselves and the nature of their place in this universe. What’s more, is how incredibly those...Read more...

September 2021 KoREH News

Preparing for New Possibilities   What is the proper path for a person to walk down? Any path which, through its journey, brings honor to a person and earns them esteem from others. Mishnah Avot 2:1   When we think about a learning journey for our young people, we often imagine setting them on a path to move forward in their lives. We want to give them the skills to succeed, the knowledge to support their endeavors, the courage...Read more...

May 2021 KoREH News

Experiencing Our Learning Anew   “Don’t count the days; make the days count,” or so the saying goes. We are coming to the end of a huge communal counting in the Jewish calendar, the Omer, which enumerates seven weeks (49 total days) between the second night of Passover and the start of Shavuot. What fascinates me every year is how hard it is to say a couple of lines of blessing and count the day each evening. The words are simple,...Read more...

March 2021 KoREH News

Miracles In Our Own Time  Looking at the Jewish calendar often provides fascinating insights. Take a look at where we are right now, smack in the middle between Purim and Pesach (Passover). On the one hand, these holidays are incredibly distinct. Purim typically is a lively, joyful, and largely public gathering, full of music, ecstatic movement, comedy, and energy. Pesach, conversely, is largely focused on our homes and families, both the...Read more...

November 2020 KoREH News

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” - Viktor Frankl   Last March, with just six weeks left of school for our Kol Rinah Education Hub (KoREH), we all went into quarantine. Over the course of four days, the COVID-19 pandemic forced us to close our building, leaving us a simple choice: cancel school and chalk the last few weeks up as a loss, or regroup and try to offer education...Read more...

September 2020 KoREH News

Raising Up The Waters I once heard a fable about a thirsty raven who flew far and wide looking for water in the middle of a drought. At the edge of despair, the raven flew over a cottage and saw a pitcher of water left on a table outside. She eagerly dove down, landed on the table, and reached into the pitcher with her beak, but it was too narrow for her to reach. Utterly exhausted, she rolled off the table onto the rough gravel path. She...Read more...

July 2020 Special - KoREH

Click here for the entire July 2020 Special Voice edition

Jewish Education for Our Ever Changing World The world of Jewish education has changed in fantastic and dramatic ways in every generation. Indeed, the last ten years have seen a flowering of new ideas about what it means to learn Jewishly, what experiences encourage spiritual growth and curiosity, and how families and communities can work to educate not only young students, but...Read more...

May 2020 KoREH News

How to End Without Finishing

As I write this, knowing it will be May when you are reading it, I have no idea what the world will look like for you. Perhaps we are still each at home, checking in on one another through Zoom; perhaps you are reading this on your phone while eating out with 25 friends in a fun, newly-opened restaurant or at a concert with 5,000 other screaming fans.

What I do know is that as you read this, our...Read more...

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784